तेरे चूहे ने करे रे कमाल गणेश तेरे चूहे ने…..
चावल भी खाया ,मेरा आटा भी खायो
मेरी खाई चने की दाल गणेश तेरे चूहे ने
तेरे चूहे ने करे रे कमाल…..
आलू भी खाए ,मेरी गोभी भी खाई
मेरे खाए टमाटर लाल ,गणेश तेरे चूहे ने
तेरे चूहे ने करे रे कमाल…..
लड्डू भी खाए ,मेरी बर्फी भी खाई
मेरे खाए पेडे दानेदार ,गणेश तेरे चूहे ने
तेरे चूहे ने करे रे कमाल…..
केले भी खाए ,मेरे आम भी खाए
और खाए लाल अनार गणेश तेरे चूहे ने
तेरे चूहे ने करे रे कमाल…..
जब मंदिर में ज्योत जलाऊं
मेरा खाया सारा प्रसाद ,गणेश तेरे चूहे ने
तेरे चूहे ने करे कमाल…..
जब चूहे तेरे दर्शन होवै
मुझे कर दिया मालोमाल ,गणेश तेरे चूहे ने
तेरे चूहे ने करे रे कमाल गणेश तेरे चूहे ने…..
Your rat has done wonders Ganesh Lyrics
Your rat has done wonders Ganesh, your rat…..
He ate my rice as well as my flour
He ate my gram lentils Ganesh, your rat has done wonders…..
He ate my potatoes as well as my cabbage
He ate my red tomatoes, Ganesh, your rat has done wonders…..
He ate my laddus as well as my burfi
He ate my grainy pedas, Ganesh, your rat has done wonders…..
He ate my bananas as well as my mangoes
And ate my red pomegranates Ganesh, your rat has done wonders…..
When I light a lamp in the temple
He ate all my prasad, Ganesh, your rat has done wonders…..
When rats get to see you
He makes me rich, Ganesh, your rat has done wonders
Your rat has done wonders Ganesh, your rat has done wonders…..